Cooley Clubs
Campus Life is Cooley’s student-led faith based club that offers a fun, safe place for students to come play games and be encouraged in their faith. All students are invited! This club meets every other Thursday during the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade lunches.
Chess Club meets every Monday after school in the library.
Dungeons and Dragons Club: Hey adventurers! Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) club meets every Friday in the Cooley Middle School library from 2:30-3:30*. D&D club has students participate in the popular tabletop role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons (just like on Stranger Things!) At D&D Club, students work together in small groups to go on adventures led by their Dungeon Master. They might fight monsters, solve puzzles, discover treasure and more. It is a game for everyone & players of all experience levels are welcome! *Please note that this after school club requires a signed permission slip from parents/guardians. Permission slips are available in Ms. Hardy’s room (68) and the Cooley library!
Intramurals: Intramurals for 6th grade are on Tuesdays and Thursday during lunch on the blacktop. Intramurals for 7th and 8th graders are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays on the blacktop. Mr. Grinsell and Mr. Saldana
Video Game Club (All grades): Video Game Club is a great place for students who like video games to connect with other students who like video games, enjoy healthy competition, and make new friends! We will meet every other Friday in the library at lunch. All are welcome!