Wrestling 101/FAQ



Middle School Weight Classes – 18 weight classes 

76, 83, 89, 95, 100, 103, 108, 112, 116, 122, 128, 135, 142, 153, 168, 185, 205, and 250 lbs.

For a wrestler to wrestle in a weight class they must weigh exactly this weight or below. For example if a wrestler weighs in for the 116 weight class and weighs in at 116.01, they are then actually in the next weight class up which is 122. Per CIF rules a wrestler is not allowed to wrestle up more than 2 weight classes. Coaches may ask a wrestler to wrestle up a weight class if they feel they can handle themselves at this weight and it is for the benefit of the team roster. 

How does a wrestling match begin and what can I expect?

Wrestling begins in the neutral position (standing). Wrestlers shake hands and then the ref blows the whistle to begin. The match is won by a wrestler pinning their opponent (a pin, also known as a fall is when both shoulder blades are on the mat) or won by having more points. A match does not need to go all 3 periods before ending. It could end as soon as a wrestler is pinned or wins by a tech fall (up by 15 points). For example the score is 20 to 5 and the match then ends. If a match is tied at the end of the 3rd period the match will go into overtime. 

At the end of a match the wrestlers return back to the center of the mat where they started and shake hands again. The ref will raise the hand of the winner and the wrestlers then go to the opposing teams coach and shake their hands before walking back to their coach and step off the mat. 

Points System 

Takedown – 3 points 

Escape- 1 point 

Reversal – 2 points 

Near Fall – 2 count is 2 points, 3 count is 3 points and 4 count is 4 points. 

You can also be awarded points (1 or 2) through penalty points of the other wrestler. This is caused by Illegal holds or technical violations. 

Team Scoring at matches 

Pin/Fall, Forfeit, Default – 6 points 

Tech Fall (up by 15 points) – 5 points 

Major Decision  (winning the match by 8-14 points) – 4 points 

Decision (winning the match by 1-7 points) – 3 points.

In the event of a tie: There is criteria set to determine which team wins. 



What is the difference between a Tournament and a Dual Meet?

Tournaments are several schools competing against each other. Dual meets are one school vs another.

Do we have to stay the whole time during a tournament?

Once your child has finished all of their matches check in with a coach. Once you have cleared it with the coach you can leave. 

Do We have to stay the whole time during a dual meet?

Yes. Dual meets typically end by  6:15pm. We enter as a team and stay to support our wrestlers as a team. It is zero fun to be the last one to wrestle and many of your teammates have already left. For home matches wrestlers are expected to stay after school and help set up and clean up afterwards. For away league duels, we meet in the parking lot of the opposing school by 3pm and walk in together as a team at 3pm. 

How do I know if my wrestler will get a match at a League Duel?

We will not know for sure who has a match until about 15 minutes before the duel begins at about 4pm. Many variables come into play. For varsity or JV the other team may not have a wrestler in that weight and your wrestler will still go out onto the mat to have their hand raised and accept the forfeit. (6 team points for our team). Or your wrestler does not make weight. In most cases if your wrestler does not make weight at the varsity level (JV does not weigh in) they will not wrestle. If they are lucky and we do not have another wrestler at the weight above their weight class we may bump them up weight classes, but that is rare and they can not count on that happening. 

How do I know if my wrestler will be Varsity or JV for a League Duel?

We have wrestle offs every week. Your wrestler is responsible to let the coaching staff know that they would like to wrestle off for the varsity position. At the beginning of the season we will have everyone wrestle off in a weight class to determine who is the best and 2nd best and so on. For JV it will not always be the 2nd best for every league duel. We want to get as many wrestlers matches as we can throughout the season. However for Varsity it will usually always be the best wrestler at that weight for that given week. Any wrestler in 6th – 8th grade may represent the varsity team. 5th graders and lower can not represent the varsity team at duels because they are not students at Cooley and are not allowed to score team points. 

What is the deal with weigh-ins and making weight?

We will NEVER tell your wrestler what weight they need to make and encourage cutting weight. This is middle school wrestling and they should be learning the sport of wrestling. However if your wrestler tells us they will make that weight class they need to make a point to make weight. This is usually done by being smart and not drinking water and eating right after school ends at 2:16pm. They should be waiting to eat and drink until after they weigh in at 3:30pm. This does not mean skipping breakfast and lunch the day they have a match either. That is not a healthy decision and if they are doing that to make weight then they should be wrestling at the next weight class up. If your varsity wrestler does not make weight they most likely will not wrestle. For example if they are wrestling in the 112 weight class and weigh in at 112.01 they did not make weight and they will not wrestle and we as a team will have to forfeit that match (give up 6 team points) unless we have another wrestler who can take their place. Only Varsity wrestlers have to weigh in for league duels. However there are times that we will weigh in a JV wrestler if a Varsity wrestler does not make weight or we want two wrestlers to make weight so we can adjust the lineup on the fly during the duel. Your wrestlers will know by Wednesday at the end of practice if they will be varsity that week. 

Also if your wrestler is late to a dual and they are a varsity wrestler and miss weigh-ins, they will not be allowed to wrestle per CIF rules. 

If my wrestler is registered in the JV division for a tournament does that mean they are JV for a league duel and vice versa? 

No. For tournaments we register wrestlers in a division that matches their level of experience. For league duels we put together the best lineup we can. Which means just because your wrestler is wrestling in the “JV” division at a tournament, they could still be the best wrestler at that weight for their team. We may later into the season register a wrestler in the varsity division, from the JV division, if they have shown they can handle the varsity division. Keep in mind to qualify for TOC, (last tournament on the schedule) you must qualify in the varsity level. So if your wrestler is a first year wrestler and is in 8th grade, we may register them at the varsity level towards the end of the season to see how they do and see if they can qualify for the TOC. 

Will my child have a match at every dual meet?

It depends on the other team. Since it is one school vs another the wrestlers are matched based on weight. If the other school does not have a wrestler in the same weight class then no your child will not have a match. There will be one wrestler per weight class for each varsity and JV. If time permits after varsity ends and both coaches agree, there could be additional exhibition matches. 

Will my child have a match at every tournament?

Yes! Typically every wrestler will have 3+ matches each tournament if it is set up as a Round Robin. (meaning you wrestle everyone in your pool). Sometimes the tournament could be double elimination, which means they wrestle until they have lost twice. 

How do I know where, when and who my child wrestles at a tournament?

You can find all of that information at trackwrestling.com. There are step by step instructions on our wrestling website. https://cooley.rcsdk8.org/wrestling 

What do I do if I don’t see my child on the trackwrestling website at a tournament?

Once you have made sure your child is not listed in the mat schedule, team schedule or brackets, find a coach and they will go speak to the tournament director and try to fix it. 

What does TOC qualifier mean?

TOC means Tournament of Champions. It is a tournament that you must qualify for. Only wrestlers who enter the varsity division at tournaments have an opportunity to qualify and the tournament must be a TOC qualifying tournament. https://www.norcaltoc.com/eligibility/

Can my child wear a rash guard under their Singlet?

Yes. Tight fitting athletic shirts can be worn under the singlet. 

If my wrestler is in 5th grade when will they have an opportunity to compete?

5th graders could get an opportunity to wrestle at a league duel during an exhibition match if there is time and the other team has some 5th graders. We will not know until right at the moment if we can get 5th grade matches during league duels, so they need to be there and available. They will be able to wrestle in most all tournaments. Unless the tournament specifically states on our schedule “Varsity Only”, or a specific grade level, then they can wrestle. Some tournaments, like for instance the Bella Vista tournament, state that the wrestler needs to weigh a minimum of 55 pounds.